
Stock Screener

The Stock Screener filters a universe of Stocks into a short-list of instruments identified according to your particular investment preferences.

Advantages of Stock Screener

  • Analyse, select and trade with advanced screening criteria on 19,000+ Stocks and 8,800+ Single Stock Contracts For Differences on 29 stock exchanges worldwide.
  • Stock Screener contains 250+ advanced screening criteria for selected Stocks. It also allows you to filter Stocks by countries and by sectors.
  • Place Stock trading orders directly from Stock Screener.
  • Customisation of screening profiles allows you to save your personal screening preferences or choose from predefined profiles.
  • Stock Screener integrates well with the Equity Research Module to support your online trading activity.

Default and customised screening profiles

A selection of predefined screening profiles is available in the Profile menu. In addition, Stock Screener’s customisable interface also allows you to create and save your own personal screening profiles to screen for the best-fitting Stocks.

Gain complete access to Equity Research and the Stock Screener for a low current monthly fee of EUR 1.99 per month if you are trading in your personal capacity or EUR 200 per month for professional users.

Contact us

Support offered in English only
South Africa: 0860 121 555
International: +27 11 415 6555
Send a general query
Call centre hours (SA)
Monday to Friday
8:30am GMT+2 until New York Market Close
Excluding Internationally recognised Holidays
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